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Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Salt water aquarium packages

When potential aquarists start looking into the possibility of starting their own salt water aquarium there is one thing which is often quite

daunting - equipment.

There is a lot more equipment which is required in a salt water aquarium, especially a salt water reef aquarium.

Equipment requirements can be but not limited to :

* Heaters
* Water movement devices
* Lighting
* Protein skimmers
* Calcium reactors
* Filtration devices
* Auto top up devices
* Auto feeders
* Nitrate reducers
* Phosphate reducers
* Stirrers
* Reverse osmosis units
* Computer controllers
* And more.

With all the information you need to know to start a successful salt water aquarium then only thing you realistically need to know about

equipment is what they are for, what is a definitive requirement and what is not.

Of course all equipment is made by various manufacturers and this post cannot go into the detail as to which is the better manufacturer to

use and why.

For the potential salt water aquarist who is not really that interested in technology and lets face it not everyone is (except me!)

and just wants a salt water aquarium in their home there is another way.

There are salt water aquarium packages which you can purchase. These salt water aquarium packages come in various shapes and sizes and

combine everything you need in one handy take home package. The only thing which you will need with one of these packages is the

water, salt, filtration and livestock itself. There are some salt water aquarium packages which even come with a reverse osmosis unit,

some salt and man made filtration or natural filtration.

With these salt water aquarium packages you really do have everything you need. You simply purchase one, take it home (or have it

delivered) set it up, add the salt water, go through the nitrogen cycle and then slowly stock it - easy eh!

The majority of these salt water aquarium packages keep the majority of the equipment either underneath the aquarium in the sump or in

a specially designed rear panel which hides all the required equipment from view. The only trouble with the latter is that they do tend to

remove a bit of the width of the tank - normally 3-4 inches. Personally if I was going to purchase a package like this I would opt for the

sump one, but it really is up to personal choice.

Of course you do not need to go for a predetermined package deal you can approach your local fish shop and ask them to design you a salt

water aquarium package. You will be surprised how many shops will accommodate this.

In closing if you are not interested in technology and purely want a salt water aquarium to look after and enjoy but do not want the hassle

of purchasing all the required equipment separately then these salt water aquarium packages are certainly worth further investigation.

Saltwater Aquarium Fish